Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Further Preparation & Reconsiderations

There was a conference today regarding an ex student at Long Road who's now working within the Media Industry. Although we didn't have any questions for him to answer. We appreciated the advice he had provided and experienced the techniques/concepts involved with his music videos. Ed Lovelace gave us some detailed information on how the music video's went into production. He informed us that were certain budgets to making each MV as well as the limitations towards developing a pitch/treatment. We took this into consideration of how we managed our presentation. It turned out that despite the low budget equipment we'll be handling. Lovelace stated that you can still create something magnificent provided you do enough planning and creative thinking for your concept. One of the major things I noticed that it was easy for us as a group to compromise a decent idea. But it was the amount of work load and time keeping that we were unaware of. This will be one our major targets to improve whether we'll be working within media industry in the future.

We continued off with to cut out the props as well as the design the backgrounds. Later on we found that the cardboard which was implemented as backdrop support for the props was tedious to firmly cut to shape. So we've decided to scrap the utilization of the cardboard and focus on just using the props with their default format.

*UPDATE* (8/10/09)

Recently we had to invest for the animation backgrounds by going to the college shop. We also came across a minor error when we shaded our character drawings in black. To overcome this we decided to redraw him in a less serious manner. This would save us time as well as make us learn from mistakes before we begin shooting the following week.

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