Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Ideas For Characters

As the sequence for our music video is a dream sequence we thought that we could dress the characters however we wanted as they do not have to be relevent to any surroundings or even the music style. We have three characters in our music video, the main character (the artist), the female character (there lost love) and another male character who we see once in the video. Our ideas for the characters are as follows:

Male Character 1 (the artist):

We felt that this suited what we wanted for our main male character most, it suits the style of the music whilst also bringing in the dream aspect, as he is in a dream we felt that we could dress him however we wanted but thought that a casual suit was the best option. The suit could appear to represent how the character wants to appear to the lost love and could also show what he dreams about being.

Male Character 2:

We felt that this would be the basis for our second male character as he fits the role of 'new lover' that we wanted him to play. We thought that jeans and a t-shit when compared with our main guys casual suit would be a perfect contrast in style.

Female Character (lost love):

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