Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Music Video Analysis

We were all arranged into different groups to analyse and invoke Goodwin's Theory on a selection of music videos. His theory involved looking into the relationship between Music/Lyrics, Visuals/Lyrics, Intertextuality, Notions of Looking and Demands of the record label. We also needed to identify the genre characteristics that are typically used in our music video. This involved picking out certain motifs, themes and recurring trademarks the artist has recycled from their past discography.

For the finale, our groups were required to present our powerpoint presentations and receiving critical feedback. Some of the feedback involved us in using more media terminology frequently such as the micro elements (Camerawork, Mise-en-scene, Diegetic/Non-Diegetic sound and Editing). So one our targets for our pitch is to make proficient use of these terms so we can confirm our place for the chosen track.

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