Monday, 21 September 2009

Music choices

We listened to all 12 tracks and after previewing them finally settled on 3. The songs we chose were:
- Sweet Tangerine by The Hush Sounds
- The rifle by Alela Diane
- A Long Time Ago by David Ford

We settled on these songs as they fitted the conventions of the music videos that we liked and chose to replicate. As we had chosen previously to do an animation we felt that a song with a high level of emotive and descriptive language was key to creating a successful animated music video.

The song that we will be pitching to produce is 'Sweet Tangerine' by The Hush Sounds. As a group we liked the style, rhythm and tempo of this piece of music. With a fluctuating beat and emotive language it lends itself well to being produced as an animation. The writer of this song has been clever using emotive and descriptive language to create images in the audiences minds, we can transfer these images on to the page with an animated music sequence more effectively than if we had chosen to produce it with actors and a real life setting.

We chose not to do the other two songs that we selected from our original three due to our final choice 'Sweet Tangerine' being more upbeat in nature, more colorful and with a higher content of emotive and descriptive language. We had discussed ideas for the other two music videos but felt that 'Sweet Tangerine' lends itself more to the animation genre and with a high tempo would be more of a challenge to our group and enable us to access the higher grades.

The ideas we put forward for the two music videos we didn't select (The rifle by Alelea Diane and A Long Time Ago by David Ford) are as follows:

- The Rifle by Alelea Diane:
Our idea was to follow the lyrics of the song very closely for example when the artist sings 'papa get your rifle' and 'they are coming from the woods' we would have had an animated sequence of pictures displaying these lyrics. We had seen a music video previously where the lyrics had be followed closely and the effect was good. However with this song it would not have been an as effective technique and not the best display of our abilities.

- A Long Time Ago by David Ford:
Our idea for this song was the artist represented by a male character in an animated style literally following the lyrics, for example 'i sat on the wall' we would have the artist in the animated form sat on the wall. The lyrics lend themselves to a narrative style of video as they are very descriptive and visual. However for an animation the music we felt was to slowly paced and the audience would bore quickly when presented with this work.

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